Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer of '06

I remember this time of my life like it was yesterday. The family all over at the pool, the cool water meeting the warm sun turning all of our skin to a color of warm golden brown. The greasy and delicious hamburgers and hotdogs after swimming all day. The dads all drinking their beer and discussing their sports or whatever the world was concerned with. I didn't care as I was too young to know the difference between everything that was going on. 
The cool and sweet watermelon that we ate poolside, cousins elbow to elbow all cramming in to grab a piece of the red fruit. The music floating on the air, tunes of Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown Band completing this slice of heaven I got to call home. As the sun set the party only got louder and more fun as the lights in the pool kicked on. The kids waterlogged as can be floated around and enjoyed the life they lived. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Waking up to the bustling city and Latin music was new for me. The immediate feeling of the sticky air when the window was propped open was heavenly. As well as the hot breeze circulating around the room as the fan spun in lazy circles. The view out the window was of a city alive with the culture that Miami brought as the sun was 
peeking its eyes over the line of sparkling blue water that met the rosy morning sky. The smell of warm rich coffee steaming from the small cup was enticing and mouthwatering. The room was lit with the morning rays pouring through the slatted bamboo blinds. The heat gave the room a humid feel that was blissful compared to the icy air I was last in. The town below my window was decorated with colorful houses and people to match.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

String of thoughts // Bear with me

Story of my life...

School is something that confuses me.
Well I'm not the only one, last night I was thinking about life from a pretty negative perspective, my mind was just a string of questions with answers I did not want to hear.

Anyways, some of the things going through my mind were simply criticizing the idea of school altogether. For instance, why do colleges only judge students on the number provided to them on a paper. Some minds are more creative than others or some people don't test well.

And yeah yeah I get it 'that's life' and I should just get used to it. But what if I don't want to. On another note that is relating to life in a way is my love of books. Books are a parallel universe that can sweep you away into a place where you can forget about all of your worries. Some of my favorite types of books are the ones that have a vague possibility of being real.

Books like the new Ready Player One where it is an alternate universe full of a technology obsessed world. Another all time favorite book series is Fablehaven by Brandon Mull, this series is AMAZING I was addicted to it when I first read it and I honestly wish I could erase the memories from my mind just to experience them again. There is no feeling like finishing a book and questioning if it was a book or a movie. Or when it leaves you craving more, more words to read, more characters to meet, and more of the thing that made you start reading.

Reading is honestly a stress reliever, it is also a good way to kill time. Anyways this is gonna be it for now. I've sadly got to return to the reality of homework, studies, and people that irk me.

It is what it is

'till next time

-Whatever it is

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A New Beginning

Alright, this is me.

I see myself as hardworking and passionate.
But my problem is I don't know how to express my ideas well.
That's why I started this blog, to hopefully work on this. It is also going to be an outlet for me to write about things that aren't all about school.

I love to write but I haven't gotten the time to write any stories or anything.
So this blog is going to be a slow process and may not have regular updates.
Knowing me I am going to forget about it then return who knows how many days or weeks later.
So stay tuned and hopefully you will like reading as much as I like writing

'till next time (eesh I need to work on an ending badly ahah)

-Whatever it is